Thursday, April 25, 2013

Summer Camp Time!

Longer days and warmer weather is right around the corner!  Our kids will soon be finishing school for the year, and I will begin my search for the perfect summer activities to keep them busy!  Even with knowing the ins and outs of Northeast Ohio, I still do countless hours of research each Spring to gather all of the options.

Lucky for us, we have everything from Sailing Camps to Horseback Riding, Sport Camps to Girl Scouts- and absolutely everything in between!  Our area is rich with resources and organizations that provide numerous options.  The trick is being able to navigate through, decide the type of camp and the type of structure that you need.

Organizations like the American Camp Association and the National Camp Association allow results to be narrowed based on specific criteria- but even a simple search online produces a long list of results! Our area has the YMCA and city camps as well, where kids travel to local pools and attractions to fill their Summer days with fun. 

The internet also allows for us to have a glimpse inside before ever even making the phone calls- Reviews, itineraries, photos and past trips are often displayed to showcase the experiences and events that each camp is known for.  Planning a move, or new to the area? I would love to share my knowledge of all things Northeast Ohio!

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