Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Fun (and not-so-fun) New Home Surprises

Whether a home is new or new to you- the changing seasons can be accompanied by many new and exciting sites and occurrences as well as some pesky ones!  Here are some common pros and cons to look for in your new home as time goes by.

Landscaping and Flowers: As you get settled and watch the landscaping change with the summer months it can be exciting to watch plants and flowers develop as time goes by.  Many are lucky and purchase homes with established landscaping, while many homes require some landscaping TLC.  If you have a home with landscaped areas it is a good idea to let a season go by before pulling and either pitching or moving plants.  Take photos and keep track of the growth and flowering to decide if it’s a keeper, needs relocated or just plain removed.  Keep an eye on deer and insect activity too to better help decide what type of plants to choose in the future!  Some areas with high deer populations have a difficult time keeping hostas or lilies in good shape as they tend to be an easy meal. 

Bugs and Pests:  Perhaps disclosures should have a section including a description of seasonal insect activity, but at this point it is pretty much trial and error for all of us!  Some homes are more apt to have ant issues, or pesky moles and mice that can terrorize your new abode.  Keep an eye out for any bee nests as well whether it be in near by trees, or in brick and stone facades.  If necessary give the pros a call and have the situation remediated, but it can also often be a DIY project too with all of the tools and resources that are available at stores and online. 

Air and Moisture:  In our area we can often run across issues with humidity or allergens in the air, and when purchasing a new home it is another item that simply has to be learned as time goes by.  If your new home tends to have high humidity it’s a good idea to circulate the air and even utilize a de-humidifier to avoid condensation and any potential issues with moisture and mold.  Many central AC units can solve the issue as well as they have built in de-humidifiers, and are also reducing the humidity from the outside by having windows closed.  For allergens and dust, ensure duct work and filters for heating and AC units are clean and properly functioning-  I’ve found a large difference between homes with wood floors versus those with carpet-  using area rugs can be a large help to catch some of the dust and dander instead of kicking it around and back into the air. 

Purchasing a new home is exciting, and although some issues may arise, remember to keep calm and work through them!  No home is completely perfect, patience and great advice from your favorite Northeast Ohio Agent can go a long way!

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